Minecraft Quartz Pillar Design. You will need to add this to commands, along with its legacy item ID (below), to spawn it. It is made from Nether Quartz and used primarily for decorative purposes.
Nether Quartz Blocks - Recent Updates and Snapshots ... (Franklin Stevens)
In fact, all the things you can make with quartz are just used for decoration: the chiseled quartz block, two types of quartz stairs, quartz pillars, and smooth quartz. Pillar Quartz Block can be used to create the following items: Nether Quartz. Home Banners Quartz pillar Minecraft Banner.
Home Banners Quartz pillar Minecraft Banner.
TEXTURE PACK: adf.ly/MKkzw STORE: adf.ly/JxAQb Minecraft: Pillar Designs. • They would behave exactly as quartz pillars in how they are placed, and be purely decorative. • Despite diorite being similar to quartz (i.e. white-ish), I think there's enough contrast between the two for a diorite pillar block to be warranted; especially in builds where low-contrast colours are out of place.