Optifine Cape Face Designs. My friend made me the optifine cape and edited meh skin cause she just got her optifine cape but I didn't feel like getting one but I did want one. There are several websites that attempt to copy OptiFine's website design with the usage of incredibly similar URLs.
5 Cool Optifine Cape Designs 2016 #3 - TOP 5 CAPES ... (Effie Snyder)
Optifine cape design was remixed from Brick (Item). I have proof I bought the cape but I won't show it's really annoying I've tired everything is there anything I can do to make it work. There are several websites that attempt to copy OptiFine's website design with the usage of incredibly similar URLs.
I've bought an Optfine Cape but my cape is not showing.
There are several websites that attempt to copy OptiFine's website design with the usage of incredibly similar URLs.
5 Optifine Cape Designs - Cool Optifine Capes - Black and ...
The Best and Most Comprehensive Foto De Capa Minecraft ...
And when I asked them what cape they had on, they replied Optifine. So I thought why not make a thread so everybody can share their cool Cape designs with eachother? Wear a banner as a cape to make your Minecraft player more unique, or use a banner as a flag!