Minecraft Underwater Base Designs. An underwater home is immune to explosions, most mobs have difficulty attacking it, and it will provide a high level of protection and concealment. Interior is made mostly for the good looks.
Steam Community :: :: Underwater Base by Kristy D ... (Robert Hanson)
After playing around in creative, trying to conceive a much simpler guardian farm than draining half an ocean, I The actual portal itself now holds back the water. While you can't morph your character into a dolphin, you Continue designing the interior of your structure. Nice touches with green glass panels and separate storage, living and farming areas.
A modern underwater large base / house with a unique design!
This is that some thing I mentioned in my status post that was a loan to build xD It was a bigger pain to clear the water out.
Awesome underwater dome | Minecraft dome, Minecraft ...
Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Water House - YouTube
Minecraft underwater base airlock - YouTube
‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ Guide: How To Build Underwater ...
Minecraft Top 20 Things You NEED To Build In Your ...
1000+ images about minecraft on Pinterest | Mansions, Cool ...
Minecraft - Island Base 3 by gigsauce on DeviantArt
Secret Underwater Base with YOLO Exit Music:Ason ID - Vision(On beatport, iTunes, Juno, amazon and more NOW!) by Ason ID. I have played Minecraft for years, but never thought about making an underwater base. Hey, this is my thrid Medieval design project that I have susbmitted!