Minecraft Sugarcane Farm Layout. Either in the form of sugar canes, paper, sugar or any other product of sucar. Official Minecraft Pages ▪ Minecraft homepage ▪ Mojang help and support and Contact ▪ Mojang bug tracker and subreddit ▪ Minecraft Feedback Site ▪ In one way or another, I've made mad cash with sugarcane farms.
Using Minecraft's cohesive trading system, you can turn common and boring sugar cane into a mountain of precious emeralds.
The farm I show here is intentionally bigger than anyone could make use of, but demonstrates how you Another possibility is to use sugar cane itself: using a block update detector (BUD), you can detect the growth of a sugar cane plant.
This article is dedicated to sugarcane, because we all want more sugarcane in Minecraft. Having sugar cane in Minecraft can be incredibly useful for building libraries, bookshelves, books, and more. Sugar cane can also be used with a composter to get bonemeal, however, melon farms are probably more suited for this.